Monday, 5 September 2022






 *Voltage is the difference in electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic


 Unit: 'Volts'.


 *Electric current is defined as the flow rate of electric change.

 Unit: 'Amps',




 *The resistance of the circuit is the property by which it opposes the flow of current.

 Unit: ohms.


 * The reciprocity of resistance is called conductance.

 Unit: Sieve, Symbol:- g

 . G=1/R

 Basic circuit components:





 *It is defined as the property of the material by which it opposes the flow of current through it.

 I R


 + -


 Unit: ohms

 Symbol: R

 *Energy is dissipated in the resistor in the form of heat.

 P=VI=(IR0I=I^2R=V^2/R watts.

 *Resistor coverts amounts of energy into heat during time 't'.



 =vIt joules.


 * Capacitor is a storage element that can store and transport energy in an electric field.

 Symbol: C

 Unit: Firuz.


 ------|| ------

 + -


 * An inductor is the element in which energy is stored in the form of an electromagnetic field.

 Symbol: L

 Unit: Henry Gaither C.

 I l


 + -


 *Any arrangement of different sources of electrical energy with different circuit elements

This is called an electrical network.


 | | 

 | | 

 ------ --------

 --- ----

 NWT Work Element:

 *Any individual circuit element with two terminals that can be connected to another circuit element is

This is called the network element.


 | |---->Active Element [Voltage, Current]



 |---->Active element [R, L, C]


 *A point of network that connects different points of the network to each other is called


 Fig.(a) AC, CE, EF

 Junction point:

 *A point where three or more branches meet is called a junction point. (C, F)


 * A point at which two or more elements join together is called a node. (A, BC, D, E and F).

Mesh loop:

 * A mesh or loop is a set of braches forming a closed path in a network. (ACDBA, CEFDC)

 Types of electrical networks:

 Linear Network:-

 * A circuit or network whose parameter i.e. elements such as resistors, inductors and capacitors

Always a constant irrelevant of time change, Waltz,

 The temperature is called a linear network.

* OHS law and superposition theorem can be networked.

 Non-linear network:-

 * A circuit whose parameter changes their values with the change in time, is the temperature voltage.

Known as non-linear networks.

 Two-linear network:-

 * The behavior of a circuit vas characteristics depends on the direction of the throw current

Its Vario elements are called 'two linear networks'.

 Ex: Resistors

One-way network:-

 * A circuit operation whose behavior depends on the direction of the current through different

Elements are called 'one-way networks'.

 Former: Half-wave diode rectifier.

 Active network:-

 * A circuit that has an energy source is called an 'active network'.

 Previous: Voltage and current source.

 Inactive network:-

 * A circuit that has no source of energy is called a 'passive network'.

 Distributed Network:-

 * Circuit elements such as resistors, inductors for the purpose of analysis are not usable according to physics

'Distributed network'.

 Previous: Transmission Line

 Electric power:

 * The rate at which the electrical circuit works is electricity.

 Unit: Joules/second (or)watt.

 P=VI; P=I62R(OR) P=V62/R.

Electrical Energy:

 * Electrical energy is the amount of work and therefore the production of power and time.


 1 Kilowatt=1 Unit=Power-in-Watt X Time-in-Sec/1000X 60X 60X 60X 60

 Resistors in the series:

 R1 R2 R3


 | |

 | |

 | | <--------->| <--------------->|<--------------| |

 |         V1                  V2                     V3|

 |________________________| | __________________________| 

 | | | |

 | |

 *There is a voltage drop across each resistor given by Ohm's law.







 P1=1^2R1; p2=1^2R2; p3=1^2R3.

 Total power:

 (p)= p1+p2+p3

 = I^2[R1+R2+R3]

 =V1^2/R1 + V2^2/R2 + V3^2/R3





 | |

 I | | Vi

 | |

 |__________| |__________| 

 + | | | -

 | |


 * The same current flows through all resistors.

 * For each resistor, there will be a voltage drop

 According to Ohm's law.

 * The combination of voltage drop will be equal to applied voltage. 

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